Bagholder’s Low Roll

“The Bagholder’s Low Roll” by Tim S. Murphy – 3840 x 3840

“Bagholder’s Low Roll” shows the character FOMO the Bag Holder having rolled a low number symbolizing his luck has run out. A large bear represents a bear market. That is when the value of cryptocurrencies decreases. FOMO the Bag Holder is our flawed hero and a recurring character in “The Game of Life” collection. Here he is surrounded by three recurring human characters representing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. The Chessboard symbolizes the strategy and the game of chance that the crypto market can be.


FOMO: An acronym for Fear Of Missing Out describes our character’s motivation. This term can relate to when investors fear they are missing out on a good opportunity, usually when a certain cryptocurrency has largely increased in price. The FOMO mindset would suggest that the price will continue to increase, so get in while you can so you don’t miss it. So our character is on a journey of chasing wealth.

Our character FOMO is also a Bag Holder: A bag holder is someone who holds a sizable amount of a certain investment that has lost value over time. They continue to hold their bag in the hopes that the price will appreciate.

“Bagholder’s Low Roll” is part of “The Game of Life” collection that uses crypto symbolism and game pieces to illustrate the many roles played in life. Showing that we are not playing by the same rules as one another, and most of us are oblivious to this. Contrasting the games are the glowing and flying figures representing finding and living a life’s purpose. They glow from within and navigate life more aware and less distracted by the surrounding games.