Newly Minted – Gold

“Newly Minted – Gold” by Tim S. Murphy

“Newly Minted – Gold” represents the moment of an artist minting their first nft creation and the freedom it brings. The floating figure holding the glowing symbol of Etherium represents the creation of an nft – the “minting” process. This also speaks to the physical art that can become digital art as a complete and separate artwork. An nft is similar to the physical piece but with characteristics that enable it to not be bound by the physics of mass, time, and space. The digital artwork can be shown at any scale simultaneously in multiple locations around the globe, and in the many metaverses.

This piece is part of “The Game of Life” collection where I use the symbolism of game pieces to illustrate the many roles played in life. The glowing & flying figures are used to represent people finding & living their life’s purpose. Current work reflects the cultures in the NFT and Crypto spaces at this moment in time.

Inspired by the Trevor Jones Bitcoin Bull series you can collect all versions of “Newly Minted” in Gold, Bronze, Silver, and Platinum.